Foreigners depending on their nationality can either apply visa on arrival or visit visa. If your country is in the following list, you can apply visa on arrival, otherwise you need visit visa. Detailed information about visa can be found here. Please check here for any possible updates from the Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Indonesia.
Visa on arrival countries list
1. | Algeria | 24. | Greece | 47. | Portugal |
2. | Andorra | 25. | Hungary | 48. | Papua New Guinea |
3. | Argentina | 26. | Iceland | 49. | Qatar |
4. | Armenia | 27. | India | 50. | Romania |
5. | Australia | 28. | Ireland | 51. | Russia |
6. | Austria | 29. | Italy | 52. | Saudi Arabia |
7. | Bahrain | 30. | Japan | 53. | Seychelles |
8. | Belarus | 31. | Kuwait | 54. | Slovakia |
9. | Belgium | 32. | Latvia | 55. | Slovenia |
10. | Brazil | 33. | Libya | 56. | South Africa |
11. | Bulgaria | 34. | Liechtenstein | 57. | South Korea |
12. | Canada | 35. | Lithuania | 58. | Spain |
13. | China | 36. | Luxembourg | 59. | Suriname |
14. | Croatia | 37. | Maldives | 60. | Sweden |
15. | Cyprus | 38. | Malta | 61. | Switzerland |
16. | Czech Republic | 39. | Mexico | 62. | Taiwan |
17. | Denmark | 40. | Monaco | 63. | Timor-Leste |
18. | Egypt | 41. | Netherlands | 64. | Tunisia |
19. | Estonia | 42. | New Zealand | 65. | Turkey |
20. | Fiji | 43. | Norway | 66. | United Arab Emirates |
21. | Finland | 44. | Oman | 67. | United Kingdom |
22. | France | 45. | Panama | 68. | United States |
23. | Germany | 46. | Poland |