Foreigners depending on their nationality can either apply visa on arrival or visit visa. If your country is in the following list, you can apply visa on arrival, otherwise you need visit visa. Detailed information about visa can be found here. Please check here for any possible updates from the Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Indonesia.

Visa on arrival countries list

1. Algeria 24. Greece 47. Portugal
2. Andorra 25. Hungary 48. Papua New Guinea
3. Argentina 26. Iceland 49. Qatar
4. Armenia 27. India 50. Romania
5. Australia 28. Ireland 51. Russia
6. Austria 29. Italy 52. Saudi Arabia
7. Bahrain 30. Japan 53. Seychelles
8. Belarus 31. Kuwait 54. Slovakia
9. Belgium 32. Latvia 55. Slovenia
10. Brazil 33. Libya 56. South Africa
11. Bulgaria 34. Liechtenstein 57. South Korea
12. Canada 35. Lithuania 58. Spain
13. China 36. Luxembourg 59. Suriname
14. Croatia 37. Maldives 60. Sweden
15. Cyprus 38. Malta 61. Switzerland
16. Czech Republic 39. Mexico 62. Taiwan
17. Denmark 40. Monaco 63. Timor-Leste
18. Egypt 41. Netherlands 64. Tunisia
19. Estonia 42. New Zealand 65. Turkey
20. Fiji 43. Norway 66. United Arab Emirates
21. Finland 44. Oman 67. United Kingdom
22. France 45. Panama 68. United States
23. Germany 46. Poland  
The 3rd International Conference on MSAT